Healthy summer drinks

Bael Ka Sharbat

Bael Ka Sharbat


Bael Fruit (medium-sized Ripe)                    One

Green Cardamom Seeds Powdered          1/4 tsp

Sugar                                                                 as per Taste

Lemon Juice                                                   1 Tbsp

Pinch of Black Rock Salt


Break open the hard shell of the fruit. Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the pulp. Put it in bowl and mash well with a ladle to blend. Add one cup of water. Mix and sieve through fine muslin cloth or soup mill several times to ensure no fibers remain. Add two cups of water and sugar. Bring to boil. Keep boiling on low flame for about seven minutes. Add cardamom powder and rock salt. Boil for 30 Seconds more. When cool, add lemon juice. Dilute with cold water to preferred consistency.

Faalse ka Sharbat

Faalse ka Sharbat


Faasla  berries               250gm

Sugar                             as per taste

A pinch of salt             

A pinch of black rock salt


Wash the faalsa berries well. Put in a pan with three cups of water and sugar. Bring to boil.

Reduce flame and keep boiling for five minutes. When cool sieve the water and reserve for later use. Rub the boiled berries to remove skin and the stones. Discard stones and mix the skin and pulp well with reserved water. Blend, check sugar to taste and boil for two more minutes to obtain thick syrup. Pour in glasses and dilute with cold water to desired density. Sprinkle a little powdered cumin seeds and black rock salt just before serving.

Aam Panna

Aam Panna


Mango Unripe (medium sized)                 one

Sugar                                                              as per taste

Cumin seeds                                                 ½ tsp

(Freshly dry roasted and ground)

A pinch of black rock salt

A small sprig fresh mint leaves


Boil the mango, or better still scorch it well over open flame till the skin is blistered. Remove the pulp. Mash well. Mix with two cups of water and sugar. Add powdered cumin seeds and black rock salt. Bring to boil. Reduce flame to medium low. Remove scum periodically. Cook for about five to seven minutes. Cool and serve with a garnish of mint leaves.

Kokum ka Sharbat

Kokum ka Sharbat


Kokum dried                                               250gm

Sugar                                                           as per taste

Roasted Powdered cumin seeds           ½ tsp

Black Rock salt                                           ¼ tsp

Salt                                                             as per taste


Soak Kokum overnight or for two to three hours in lukewarm water. Filter two to three times through fine muslin cloth to remove dried coarse skin and fiber. Put in a pan, along with sugar and two cups of water. Boil for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently. When cool, squeeze the juice of two lemons and stir in powdered cumin and rock salt. Dilute with chilled water before serving.

Jaun Sattu Drink

Jaun Sattu Drink


Roasted Barley/jaun                                         1Tbsp/10-15gm

A pinch of rock salt

A pinch of roasted cumin powder


Roast the grams and then blend them in a powder form mixture. Sieve any impurities. Pour in 1 glass of water and put the https://alldaypill.com/tramadol/ mentioned ingredients .Serves 1.

Avatar photoLavleen Kaur

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